

Yang, Nae-won / 양내원


Hanyang University Hospital Architecture Lab.
Ph.D., Architectural Engineering, Berlin University of Technology, Germany, 1992
M.S., Architectural Engineering, Hanyang University, Korea, 1984 
B.S., Architectural Engineering, Hanyang University, Korea, 1982 
Hospital Architecture Design/Planning, Healthcare Architecture, Hospital Master-plan, Healing Architecture

소개 :

▶ Prof. Yang Nae-won has established himself as one of the leading architects in hospital design and planning area since he joined the faculty of Hanyang University in 1993. In addition to numerous achievement awards for his excellence in hospital design, Prof. Yang has published many quality research papers well respected by his peers throughout Asia. Prof. Yang is famous for his vision toward creating healing environment, hospital remodeling & planning not only for patients in hospitals but also for general public living in urban spaces. 

▶ (1993-Present) Professor, Department of Architecture, Hanyang University, ERICA Campus, Korea    (1988-1992) Architect, Labryga Hospital Architects, Berlin, Germany    (2015-2017) President, Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture, KIHA    (2019-2021) Vice-president, Hanyang University, ERICA Campus, Korea    (2017-Present) Honorary President, Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture, KIHA 

▶ Yang, Nae-won (1992)
“Entwicklung von baulichen und betrieblichen Konzeptionen fur die Endoskopie in Allgemeinen Krankenhausern”
Ph.D. Thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Deutschland

▶ Yang, Nae-won (1984)
“A Study on the Architectural Planning of the Clinical Laboratory Department in the General Hospital”
M.S. Thesis, Hanyang University, Korea

▶ Yand, Nae-won (2022)
“Healing Space for Body and Mind” (몸과 마음을 치유하는 공간) / ISBN : 979-11-85973-84-5


Yong Seung Kim / 김용승


Architectural Space Analysis Lab. (ASAL)
Ph.D. University of Bath, 1992
M.S. University College London, Bartlett School of Architecture, 1989
M.S. Hanyang University, 1985
B.S. Hanyang University, 1983
Museum Spaces, Library Spaces, Public Spaces, Urban Regeneration, Spatial Analysis

▶Y.S. KIM and M. BRAWNE (1992)
“An Approach to Evaluating Exhibition Spaces in Art Galleries”, School of Architecture and Building Engineering, University of Bath

▶Lee, Jae Hong, and Yong Seung Kim (2022)
“Rethinking Art Museums Spaces and Investing How Auxiliary Path Work Differently”, BUILDINGS 2022, 12(2), 248

▶Kim, Yuzin, and Kim, Yong-seung (2019)
“A Proposal for Optimum Area by the Role Type of Small Libraries – Focus on the Public Library in Ansan, Gyeonggi-do-”, Journal of KICA, 68, 13-20

▶Yi, Hyeon-seon, Kim, and Yong-seung (2010)
“The Study on Design and Layout of the Privately Owned Public Space Through the Analysis of the Users’ Behavioral Characteristics”, Journal of KICA, 31, 59-66

▶Kim Yong-seung, and Yi Hyeon-seon (2006)
“A Study on the Formal Transition Shown in Korean Museum”, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, 22(4), 39-46


Inha Jung / 정인하


Architectural and Urban History Lab. (AUHL)
Ph.D. Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, 1994
M.S. Seoul National University, 1987
B.S. Seoul National University, 1985
Architectural History, Urban History, Modernism in East Asia, Mass Housing in North Korea 


▶Inha Jung (2022)
Constructing the Socialist Way of Life: Mass Housing and Urbanism in North Korea. Berlin: DOM Publisher

▶Inha Jung(2019) 
“Korea 1876-1945”, “Korea 1845-Present”, A Global History of Architecture. London: Bloomsbury Publishing    

▶Inha Jung, Caroline Maniaque-Benton(2014)
Point - Counterpoint - Trajectories of Ten Korean Architects. Copenhagen: Architectural Publisher B 

▶Inha Jung(2013)
Architecture and Urbanism in Modern Korea. Honolulu, U.S.: University of Hawaii Press 

▶Inha Jung(2006)
Contemporary Architecture and Non-Representation. Seoul : Archanet  


Lim Jitaek / 임지택


AUDI LAB (Hanyang University Erica)
B,S. Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea, 1990
M,S. Diplom-Ing. Architektur, Technische Universitaet Berlin, Germany, 1998

소개 :

▶LH Sejong City 5-1 Specialized Plan Research Service for Living Area L5/ Lim Jitaek, Ahn Chiwon, Ahn Yonghan (on going)

▶Hanyang University ERICA “Remodeling of the exterior of the main building”/ Lim Jitaek  (2022)

▶Hanyang University ERICA “Sports College”/ Lim Jitaek  (2021)

▶Hanyang University ERICA “Design Center’/ Lim Jitaek  (2020)


So Young Kim / 김소영


Architecture Lab +  
Harvard University Graduate School of Design.  Master of Architecture, 1995.
Wellesley College.  Bachelor of Arts, 1990. Major in Architecture.
Courses:  Architectural Design, Architectural Representation and Methodology, Housing Theory.

▶Hyun Soo Jang, So Young Kim (2022).
A Study on How Repurposed Wedding Halls can be Neighborhood Catalysts: Based on Duri Wedding Hall in Daehwa-dong, Daejon, Korea.  Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea.  Vol. 42 No. 2 (2022-10) p217-220. 

▶Song E Han, So Young Kim (2021).
A Post-Pandemic Seoul: Future of Urban Logistics. 코로나 이후의 서울: 도시 물류의 미래.  Review of Architecture and Building Science.  Vol. 65 No. 8 (2021-8) p75-81. 

▶Young Yoon Kim, So Young Kim (2020).
A Study of Space Composition in Contemporary Mega-Church with the Use of Space Syntax. 공간구문론을 통한 초대형교회의 공간 구성에 대한 연구.  Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea.  Vol. 40 No. 2 (2020-10). P225-225.   

▶Su Hyun Bae, So Young Kim (2016).
A Study of Affordable Senior Rental Housing for an Aging Society:  Comparative Analysis of Domestic and Foreign Cases.  고령사회를 위한 노인임대주택 유형에 관한 연구.  Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea.  Vol. 36 No. 2 (2016-10) p65-66.  


Architectural Design Lab (ADL)
Yale University, Master of Architecture with Advanced Standing, 2003 (New Haven, CT)
University of Virginia, BS in Architecture, Bachelor of Architectural History, 2000 (Charlottesville, VA)
Architectural Planning, Architectural Design, BIM, Sustainable Design Modular Construction

▶C.H. Ahn, H.M. Ha, S.H. Kim, M.S. Ka (2022).
A Study on the Spatial Size Requirement for Emergency Modular Negative Pressure Isolation Room (NPIR) after COVID-19 . Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea (JAIK), 38(9), 13-22.

▶H.J. Jang, N.H. Kwon, Y.H. Ahn, C.H. Ahn. (2019).
Space Planning of the Health Life Support Center using the Modular Construction Method . Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea (JAIK), 35(11), 43-52.

▶C.H. Ahn, J.H. Kim. (2017).
A Study on the Architectural Characteristics of Museum design Works of Moshe Safdie . 한국실내디자인학회 논문집, 16-24.

▶C.H. Ahn. (2017). Drivers and Barriers for Green Retrofit of Existing Buildings in Korea . Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea (JAIK), 37(2), 350-351.

▶C.H. Ahn, Y.H. Ahn, S.H. Lee. (2016). Role of Design Company for CM at Risk Delivery Method . Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea (JAIK), 36(2), 1056-1057.


Geometry Analysis Laboratory (GA Lab)
B.S. Hanyang University ERICA, 2004
Diploma, AA School of Architecture, 2008
Post Graduate Diploma, University of Westminster, 2012
Geometry Analysis, Architectural Design Methodology, History and Theory of Digital Architecture, Digital Modeling and Fabrication, Vertiport Design Research, Building Skin Remodeling 

▶Lee Kangjun, Kim Yunga (2014)
“2014 UIA Durban International Congress Seoul Pavilion”, SPACE 565 96-99

▶Lee Kangjun
“Gyopyeong-ri House”, SPACE 572 100-103

▶Lee Kangjun, Cho Soolyeon
“A Study on the Autotransplantational Design Method of Diagram as a Generative Device”, The Korean Institute of Culture Architecture, 77 213-224


Urban Design & Informatics Laboratory (UDIL)
Chung-Ang University, B.E. in Architecture, 2000
Hanyang University, M.A. in Architectural Design, 2004
University of Texas at Austin, M.S. in Community & Regional Planning, 2008
Texas A&M University, Ph.D. in Urban & Regional Sciences, 2013
Urban Planning, Urban Design, Masterplan, Geographic Information System, Digital Twin, Big Data, Green Infrastructure, Urban Management, Feasibility Analysis

▶한국도시설계학회 (2022)
“한국의 도시재생: 도시를 살리기 다섯 가지 해법”, 도시출판 대가, 580pp

▶김환용, 신민호, 정지현 (2022)
“Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Applying Building Information Modeling (BIM) for Infrastructure Design Process, Buildings”, 12(9), 1-13

▶김환용 (2021)
“Analyzing Green Space as a Flooding Mitigation – Storm Chaba case in South Korea. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk”, 12(1), 1181-1194

▶김환용, 노학래 (2021)
“Planning for a Sustainable Regional Mobility: Hypertube Express(HTX) for Korean Case”, International Journal of Rail Transportation


B.Arch - Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea, 2011
M.Arch II - The Cooper Union, New York, USA, 2015
Registered Architect - AIA (New York-044147)
Developing Design Processes with Advanced Technology, Advanced Fabrication Methodologies in Architecture, Exploring Digital Representation Techniques 

▶Jaebong Jeon, Keunyoung Lim
'Productive Living', Production Urbanism; Daegu as a Circular City, 54-92 (2023)

▶Jaebong Jeon, Keunyoung Lim
'Rising Architect', WideAR no.81, 58-67 (2022)

▶Jaebong Jeon, Keunyoung Lim
'What Would You Like to Have?', 2022 Public Design Festival Exhibition, 138-141 (2022)

▶Jaebong Jeon, Keunyoung Lim
'The Clouds Rest Wall', Seoul_25 Episodes, 336-345 (2021)

▶Jaebong Jeon
'Rock, Fire, and Water: Interactions in Constant Motion', Architecture of Nature; Nature of Architecture, 211-217 (2019)