

Structural Mechanics Laboratory. (SML)
Ph.D. Aachen University of Technology, 2001
M.S. Dortmund University, 1993
B.S. Dortmund University, 1991
B.S. Hanyang University, 1986
Computational modeling of structural materials, Finite element nonlinear analysis technique, Damage analysis of reinforced concrete structures, Theory of shell structures, Progressive collapse analysis

▶Lee, S.-Y., Noh, S.-Y., Lee D. (2021)
Comparison of progressive collapse resistance capacities of steel ordinary and intermediate moment frames considering different connection details, Engineering Structures, Vol. 231, Issue 13, 111753

▶Lee, S.-Y., Noh, S.-Y., Lee D. (2018)
Evaluation of Progressive Collapse Resistance of Steel Moment Frames Designed with Different Connection Details Using Energy-Based Approximate Analysis, Sustainability, Vol. 10, Issue 10, 3797

▶Bao, Y., Main, J.A., Noh, S.-Y. (2017)
Evaluation of Structural Robustness against Column Loss: Methodology and Application to RC Frame Buildings, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 143, Issue 8, 1-12

▶Jo, M. J., Noh, S. Y. (2017)
Anchorage length and bond stress-slip model of an untensioned wire strand placed at the interface between a half-PC beam and topping concrete, Materials and Structures, Vol. 50, Issue 1, 1-16Research Innovations, Vol. 19, Issue 850-854


Lee, Han Seung / 이한승


Ph.D. 동경대학교 건축학, 1997
M.S. 한양대학교 건축공학, 1992
B.S. 한양대학교 건축학과, 1990

▶ X.-Y. Wang and H.-S. Lee
 "Heat of hydration models of cementitious materials", Advances in Cement Research, vol. 24, No. 2, pp.77-90, July. 2012. (SCI)

▶ X.-Y. Wang and H.-S. Lee
"Evaluation of the mechanical properties of concrete considering the effects of temperature and aging", Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 29, pp. 581-590, Apr. 2012. (SCI)

▶ C.-S. Kang, J.-S. Kwack and H.-S. Lee
"A Study on the Freezing of CO2 and the Production of CaCO3 by the Wet Carbonating Reaction of Cement-Saturated Solution", advances Science Letters., Vol. 8, pp. 360-365, Apr. 2012 (SCI)

▶ X.-Y. Wang and H.-S. Lee
"Modeling of hydration kinetics in cement based materials considering the effects of curing temperature and applied pressure," Construction and Building Materials., Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 1-13, Mar. 2012. (SCI)

▶ X.-Y. Wang and H.-S. Lee
"Evaluation of Properties of Concrete Incorporating Fly Ash or Slag Using a Hydration Model", J. Mater. Civ. Eng., Vol. 23, No. 7, pp. 1113-1123, Jul. 2012 (SCI)


Ph.D. Department of Architectural Engineering, University of Tokyo, Japan, 1999
M.S. Department of Architectural Engineering, University of Tokyo, Japan, 1995
B.S. Department of Architectural Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea, 1991

▶ Ju Seong Jung and Kang Seok Lee (2020)
A methodology for evaluating seismic capacity and seismic risk assessment of reinforced concrete buildings in Korea, Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, Vol. 19, NO. 2, pp. 103-122

▶ Yun Chul Choi, Doo Sung Choi, Keum Sung Park and Kang Seok Lee (2019)
Flexural Performance Evaluation of Novel Wide Long-Span Composite Beams Used to Construct Lower Parking Structures, Sustainability, Vol. 12, NO .1, pp. 1-20

▶ Ju Seong Jung, Bang Yeon Lee and Kang Seok Lee (2019)
Experimental Study on the Structural Performance Degradation of Corrosion-Damaged Reinforced Concrete Beams, Advances in Civil Engineering, Vol. 2019

▶ Jae Seung Hwang, Kang Seok Lee, Moo Won Hur and Sang Hyun Lee (2019)
Mechanical hysteresis model of a metal-wire Kagome truss for seismic strengthening for building systems, Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, Vol. 18, NO. 2, pp. 112-120

▶ Chang Geun Cho, Hyung Ju Moon, Ho Yeon Kim and Kang Seok Lee (2019)
Seismic-improved reinforced-concrete composite column using a high-ductile fiber cementitious composite precast box, Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, Vol. 18, NO. 2, pp. 128-138


공학사, 한국 한양대학교 공학대학 건축공학과
공학석사, 일본 도쿄대학교 대학원 공학대학 건축공학전공
공학박사, 일본 도쿄대학교 대학원 공학대학 건축공학전공

▶ SungHo Tae, SungWoo Shin, JeeHwan Woo, SeungJun Roh (2011).
The Development of Apartment House Life Cycle CO2 Simple Assessment System Using Standard Apartment Houses of South Korea, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews Vol. 15 No.3 pp.1454-1467

▶ SungHo Tae, Cheonghoon Baek, Sungwoo Shin (2011).
Life cycle CO2 evaluation on reinforced concrete strucutres with high-strength concrete, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, Vol. 31 No.3, pp.253-260

▶ SungHo Tae (2012).
Corrosion Inhibition of Steel in Concrete With Natural Inorganic Minerals in Corrosive Environments Due to Chloride Attack, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 35, pp. 270-280

▶ TaeHyoung Kim, SungHo Tae, SeungJun Roh (2013).
Assessment of the CO2 Emission and Cost Reduction Performance of a Low-Carbon-Emission Concrete Mix Design Using an Optimal Mix Design System, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 25, pp. 729-741

▶ SeungJun Roh, SungHo Tae, SungWoo Shin (2014).
Development of Building Materials Embodied Greenhouse Gases Assessment Criteria and System (BEGAS) in the Newly Revised Korea Green Building Certification System (G-SEED), Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol.35, pp.410-421


Ph.D. Environmental Design and Planning, Virgina Tech, 2010
M.S. Dual Master Degrees, Building science and Community Planning, Master of Building Construction, Auburn University, 2006
B.S. Building Construction Management, Purdue University, 2004

▶ Kim, Su Ryeon, Lee, Sang Hyo, Ahn, Yong Han (2019)
Evaluating Housing Maintenance Costs with Loss-Distribution Approach in South Korean Apartment Housing, Journal of Management in Engineering

▶ Lee, Sang Hyo, Jang, Hyeong Jae, Ahn, Yong Han (2018)
Valuation of Guaranteed Maximum Price Contracts in Korea Using the Collar Option Model, Advances In Civil Engineering

▶ Lee, Sang Hyo, Ahn, Yong Han (2018)
Analyzing the Long-Term Service Life of MEP Using the Probabilistic Approach in Residential Buildings, Sustainability

▶ Yang, Hee Kwon, Kim, Byeol, Lee, Joo Sung, Ahn, Yong Han, Lee, Chan Kil (2018)
Advanced Wireless Sensor Networks for Sustainable Buildings Using Building Ducts, Sustainability

▶ Jo, Jin Ho, Matt Aldeman, Lee, Han Seung, Ahn, Yong Han (2018)
Parametric analysis for cost-optimal renewable energy integration into residential buildings: Techno-economic model, Renewable Energy


Lee, Moon Sung / 이문성


▶ Kim, Hyong-Kee; Lee, Moon-Sung (2022)
Estimation of Failure Mode of Mortar-Filled Sleeve Rebar Splices, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES AND MATERIALS, v.17, no.1

▶ Kim, Dong-Hui; Park, Wan-Shin; Kim, Sun-Woo; Lee, Moon-Sung; Seo, Soo-Yeon; Yun, Hyun-Do (2021)
Steel Reinforcing Bar and Steel Fibers Content Effect on Tensile and Electrical Behaviors of Strain-Hardening Cement Composite (SHCC) with MWCNTs in Direct Tension, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, v.11, no.4, pp.1 - 17

▶ Son, Dong-Hee; Bae, Baek-Il; Lee, Moon-Sung; Lee, Moon-Seok; Choi, Chang-Sik (2021)
Flexural Strength of Composite Deck Slab with Macro Synthetic Fiber Reinforced Concrete, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, v.11, no.4, pp.1 - 17

▶ Lim, Chisung; Choi, Seung-Ho; Oh, Jae Yuel; Han, Sun-Jin; Lee, Moon-Sung; Kim, Kang Su (2021)
Shear Behavior of Concrete Encased Steel Truss Composite Girders, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, v.11, no.4, pp.1 – 14

▶ Lee, Eun-Jin; Moon, Jeong-Ho; Lee, Moon-Sung (2021)
Shear Resistance Contribution of Constituent Elements Consisting RCS Joint, ADVANCES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING, v.2021, pp.1 – 14

▶ Bae, Baek-Il; Choi, Hyun-Ki; Lee, Moon-Sung; Choi, Chang-Sik (2017)
Indirect tensile strength of UHSC reinforced with steel fibres and its correlation with compressive strength, MAGAZINE OF CONCRETE RESEARCH, v.69, no.15, pp.772 - 786


Ph.D., 2018, Dept. of Architecture, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA.
M.S., 2012, Dept. of Architectural Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea.
B.S., 2010, Dept. of Architectural Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea.


Building Energy Modeling and Simulation; Measurement and Verification for Building Energy Performance; Renewable Energy Systems Integration; Net Zero Energy Buildings; Indoor Environmental Quality Analysis; Daylighting.

▶Shin, M., and J. Haberl. 2022. A procedure for automating thermal zoning for building energy simulation. Journal of Building Engineering 46:103780. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jobe.2021.103780
▶Yoo, W., H. Kim, and M. Shin. 2020. Stations-oriented indoor localization (SOIL): A BIM-Based occupancy schedule modeling system. Building and Environment 168:106520. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2019.106520
▶Shin, M., J.C. Baltazar, J. Haberl, E. Frazier, and B. Lynn. 2019. Evaluation of the energy performance of a net zero energy building in a hot and humid climate. Energy and Buildings 204:109531. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2019.109531
▶Shin, M., and J. Haberl. 2019. Thermal zoning for building HVAC design and energy simulation: A literature review. Energy and Buildings 203:109429. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2019.109429
▶Shin, M., and S. Do. 2016. Prediction of cooling energy use in buildings using an enthalpy-based cooling degree days method in a hot and humid climate. Energy and Buildings 110:57-70. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2015.10.035


Ph.D. Architectural Engineering, The University of Tokyo(東京大), Japan, 2006
M.S. Architectural Engineering, Hanyang University, 1999
B.S. Architectural Engineering, Hanyang University, 1997

▶ Block shear strength in thin-walled lean duplex stainless steel fillet welded connection with base metal fracture (2022), STRUCTURES

▶ A comparative study on hysteretic characteristics of austenitic stainless steel and carbon steel slit dampers under cyclic loading (2021), JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING

▶ Recommendation on block shear strength equation of double shear four-bolted connection in cold-formed mild carbon steel (2021), STRUCTURES

▶ Block Shear Strength of Double-Lap Welded Connections in Mild Carbon Steel Plate (2021), INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STEEL STRUCTURES

▶ Finite Element Analysis on Block Shear Mechanism of Lean Duplex Stainless Steel Welded Connections (2021), APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL

▶ Hysteretic Behavior Comparison of Austenitic and Lean Duplex Stainless Steel Square Hollow Section Members under Cyclic Axial Loading (2021), ENGINEERING STRUCTURES

▶ Block shear capacity in cold-formed lean duplex stainless steel double-shear bolted connections (2021), THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES